

Office Hours and Links



Homeworks 15%



Extra Credits


The goal of this class is two-fold. First, to introduce you to core database concepts (e.g., data modeling, logical design, SQL) so that you too can build a billion dollar application. Second, to teach enough about database engine internals (e.g., physical database design, query optimization, transaction processing) so you have a good sense of why queries may be running slowly/incorrectly. We will also discuss their relevance to systems used in industry.

The Data Management Seminar invites interesting database researchers and practitioners to speak. Students are invited to join in person or on zoom (if available). We will announce these periodically throughout the semester.







L1 3-Sep Intro and Overview HW 0
Look for teammates
L2 5-Sep ER Models
optional: Textbook Chapter 6 except for Sections 6.7, 6.10, and 6.11.
HW1 Part 1
Project 1 Part 1
HW0 (9/8 11:59PM EST. NO LATE DAYS)
L3 10-Sep ER Models
optional: Textbook Chapter 6 except for Sections 6.7, 6.10, and 6.11.
HW 1 Part 1 (9/11 11:59PM EST)
Formed Project 1 Team (no submission)
L4 12-Sep Relational Model
optional: Textbook Ch 2.1-2.3, 2.5, 6.7, 6.8, except 6.7.2
Project 1 Part 1 approval phase
L5 17-Sep Relational Model
optional: Textbook Ch 2.1-2.3, 2.5, 6.7, 6.8, except 6.7.2
HW1 Part 2 Schema Project 1 Part 1 approval phase
L6 19-Sep Relational Algebra
optional: Textbook Ch 2.6 (use lecture notations, which differ from the book)
Project 1 Part 1 approval phase
L7 24-Sep Relational Algebra
optional: Textbook Ch 2.6 (use lecture notations, which differ from the book)
Project 1 Part 1 10AM digital copy (extended to 9/27 11:59PM EST)
L8 26-Sep SQL: Basics, Joins
optional: Textbook Ch 3
HW 2
Project 1 Part 2
HW1 Part 2
L9 1-Oct SQL: Group by, Order by, UDFs
optional: Textbook Ch 3
L10 3-Oct SQL: Advanced
optional: Textbook Ch 4.1-4.4, 5.2-5.4
HW2 (No grace days/late submissions accepted at all beyond 10/7 11:59PM EST)
L11 8-Oct Review
L12 10-Oct Midterm 1 (in class) : In-person HW 3
Project 1 Part 3
L13 15-Oct APIs
optional: Textbook Ch 5.1, 5.2
Project 1 Part 2 (extended to Saturday 11:59PM EST)
L14 17-Oct Normalization
optional: Textbook Ch 7.1-7.5
L15 22-Oct Normalization and Data Quality
L16 24-Oct Security and Privacy
L17 29-Oct Physical Design : Storage and Files
optional: Textbook Ch 12, 13.1-13.3, 14.3, 14.5
Project 2
L18 31-Oct Physical Design : Indexes and Access Methods
optional: Textbook Ch 12, 13.1-13.3, 14.3, 14.5
L19 7-Nov Query Processing : Plans, Statistics, Joins
optional: Textbook Ch 15.1-15.6
L20 12-Nov Query Processing : Joins Optimization
optional: Textbook Ch 15.1-15.6
Project 1 Part 3 & Meetings
L21 14-Nov Transactions : Concurrency Control
optional: Textbook Ch 17
Project 1 Part 3 Meetings
L22 19-Nov Transactions : Concurrency Control
optional: Textbook Ch 17
Project 1 Part 3 Meetings
L23 21-Nov Transactions : Recovery
optional: Textbook Ch 17
Project 2
L24 26-Nov Guest Lecture (Tentative) : TBA
L25 3-Dec Beyond Classic Relational DBMSes
L26 5-Dec Review
L27 13-Dec Final 4:10-7:00pm : In-person